“Lyrical or rigorous, mysterious or storm-laden, these works take us to the heart of the artist’s most vital impulses.”
September 1994, Pâquerette Villeneuve
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“There is a sensuality of line and colour that seem to be a dominant force in the female imagination. Indeed most female artists, when liberated of their structural training, hone it like a vein of precious ore.”
Ottawa Review, June 1981, J.Rebecca Robinson
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“…the blues or purples are used so lightly that the texture of the canvas remains visible. Others move and swirl in motions that suggest fire or smoke or the chaotic hues in the primal clouds of operation.”
The Citizen, June 1981, Mark Frutkin
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“These oils are at once large and dramatic, yet with particulars that can be isolated for almost a secret enjoyment.”
The Canadian Jewish News, Arts Scene, December 1994, Heather Solomon
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“…we inhibit children. The worst thing we do is give them coloring books and tell them to stay inside the lines. Instead offer blank pages and materials….abstract expressionists are trying to return to play and freedom…..”
Art Business News, “Defining the Abstract”, March 2006, written be Jane Hart. Barbara Berlin was quoted in an interview for the article.
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